
Snam operates in the interest of and with respect for local communities, involving them in its infrastructure projects and in the achievement of the Group’s targets, but also supporting the most fragile realities through the commitment made by the Snam Foundation as a team with the Third Sector.

Our objectives

Objective completed
Objective in progress
Drag to reveal information
Benefits for local communities over reg. revenues (%)
0.4 %
Performance 2023
1 %
Target 2024
1 %
Target 2027
Value released at local communities (bln/€)
1.451 bln/€
Performance 2023
>1 bln/€
Target until 2027
Activities of the Snam Foundation offering support to the local communities by employees
4,800 hours
Target 2023
5,970 hours
Performance 2023
5,500 hours
Target 2026
Reduction of the amount of plastic in packaging for industrial supplies
-100 %
Target 2023
-100 %
Performance 2023
Local suppliers (SMEs in Italy) awarded contracts compared to those under contract
50 %
Target 2023
73 %
Performance 2023
65 %
Target 2026

Our objectives

Objective completed
Objective in progress
Drag to reveal information
Benefits for local communities over reg. revenues (%)
0.4 %
Performance 2023
1 %
Target 2024
1 %
Target 2027
Value released at local communities (bln/€)
1.451 bln/€
Performance 2023
>1 bln/€
Target until 2027
Activities of the Snam Foundation offering support to the local communities by employees
4,800 hours
Target 2023
5,970 hours
Performance 2023
5,500 hours
Target 2026
Reduction of the amount of plastic in packaging for industrial supplies
-100 %
Target 2023
-100 %
Performance 2023
Local suppliers (SMEs in Italy) awarded contracts compared to those under contract
50 %
Target 2023
73 %
Performance 2023
65 %
Target 2026

Snam Foundation


The Snam Foundation TSO (Third Sector Organisation) is a non-profit business foundation set up in 2017 with the aim of promoting a just transition by placing the skills and capabilities developed by Snam in the energy infrastructure sector over more than 80 years of history at the disposal of the country. To this end, the Foundation works with local communities, authorities and institutions to help people reduce energy consumption, to combat school drop-outs and support employment opportunities for young people in professions of the future, as well as to combat food waste and encourage the most vulnerable groups to adopt sustainable diets. In 2022, the Snam Foundation revised its areas of intervention, focusing on issues related to energy, food and educational poverty, with initiatives targeted at the most vulnerable areas and the social environments in which such issues develop.

Objectives of projects launched in 2023 by Snam Foundation
Combating ergy poverty
Fighting educational poverty
Fighting food poverty
New geographical areas
Energia in corte
Corvetto Adopt Me
Educational poverty Rome
Tesori - Terre solidali in reti inclusive
Motivo donna
Inclusive energy
La scuola che vorrei
Welfare che impresa
Ragazze in prima linea

Sustainability issues in relation to supply chain

Supplier One Platform is an integral part of the digital innovation path linked to the supply chain promoted by Snam and aims to introduce new technological solutions and working tools for procurement processes. By digitising and renewing existing systems and processes, Snam has reconfigured relations throughout the supply chain, optimising interactions with the players involved, reducing interaction times and increasing the frequency of information exchange.

Furthermore, the activation of the new Edith platform has significantly contributed to the innovation of materials management activities, with particular reference to the inspection and traceability of materials.

With Supplier One Platform, we have optimised the relationships in the supply chain, improving interaction with suppliers, reducing the times and increasing the frequency of communications.

Reducing emissions together with suppliers

In order to achieve the Scope 3 GHG emission reduction targets mentioned above, Snam has carried out a careful analysis of its supply chain, assessing its potential to contain and reduce emissions in the near term. In light of the results of the analysis, Snam has launched a campaign to encourage suppliers to adopt clear plans to reduce emissions, while supporting projects to promote emerging technologies aimed at increasing the use of green fuels and renewable energy in production processes and/or as fuel for fleets.

Snam actively supports suppliers in the early stages of their emission reduction journey through specific training programmes (including ESG education) and one-to-one interviews, allowing it to offer solutions and provide suppliers with the Group’s well-established expertise and best practice benchmarks in this area.

The path to join Snam's Supply Chain 4.0

As part of its qualification process, Snam assesses the suitability of all suppliers, above all those most relevant to implementing its projects, by verifying their current capabilities and future potential against objectivity, transparency and traceability criteria, which relate to the following aspects:

Materiality of the business

Commitment to environmental protection


Presence of an environmental management system compliant with the ISO 14001 standard (mandatory requirement for critical suppliers, i.e. with criticality level A and B)


Commitment to environmental protection


Presence of an environmental management system compliant with the ISO 14001 standard (mandatory requirement for critical suppliers, i.e. with criticality level A and B)

The consideration of ESG factors is of significant strategic importance for the ethical conduct of procurement management, as well as an optimal lever for the efficiency of the entire supply chain. On the basis of this, even before compliance with the requirements of quality, price and reliability, suppliers are required to make a formal commitment to comply with the contents of Snam’s Code of Ethics and the Ethics and Integrity Pact.

Moreover, the Company actively promotes respect for legality, the fight against corruption, safe working conditions and the protection of human rights, as set out in the Human Rights Policy, the Anti-Corruption Guidelines and the Anti-Corruption Policy, which all suppliers must adhere to in all phases of their collaboration.

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