
Our capacity for innovation and new activities dedicated to the energy transition are driving the path towards a more sustainable economic model that promotes a just transition.

Our objectives

Objective completed
Objective in progress
Avoided CO2 emissions (ktCO2e)
102.9 ktCO2e
Actual 2023
105 ktCO2e
Budget 2024
500 ktCO2e
Target 2027
Production of biomethane (Mscm)
24.4 Mscm
Actual 2023
20 Mscm
Budget 2024
160 Mscm
Target 2027
Invest. related to the CCS Ravenna Projects Phase 1+2 (€M)
65 €M
Actual 2023
120 €M
Budget 2024
370 €M
Target 2027

Our objectives

Objective completed
Objective in progress
Avoided CO2 emissions (ktCO2e)
102.9 ktCO2e
Actual 2023
105 ktCO2e
Budget 2024
500 ktCO2e
Target 2027



Through its subsidiary Bioenerys, Snam plays a dual role in the biomethane business: on the one hand, it facilitates the interconnection of plants to the grid; on the other, it develops and builds plants for the treatment of municipal solid waste and agricultural raw materials. In 2023, Bioenerys had biomethane and biogas capacity of around 41MW – 16MW in the waste sector and 25MW in the agricultural sector, and intends to reach a total capacity of 80MW and production of approximately 135 million cubic metres per year by 2027. In 2023, Snam avoided the emission of 45.9 thousand tonnes of CO2; its target is to exceed 300 thousand by 2027.

Hydrogen and CCS

Established in 2022, the Decarbonisation Projects function manages Snam's carbon capture and storage (CCS) and hydrogen projects, with the aim of accelerating their development and deployment as key levers in ensuring the achievement of European and global decarbonisation goals. Snam intends to take the lead in the development of the infrastructure for transporting and storing CO2, for which about €350 million of investment is earmarked over the Plan period, net of public funding. Part of this will go to the Ravenna CCS project, operated as a 50:50 joint venture with Eni, under which the permanent storage of 16 million tonnes of CO2 per year is expected to be achieved by 2030, thereby making an important contribution to decarbonising hard-to-abate industries.

Together with CCS, hydrogen represents an option for achieving decarbonisation targets and realising the energy transition. Snam works on this across three areas:
  • Consolidating gas transportation and storage assets that are also hydrogen-ready;
  • Favouring the division of production into districts and consumption through the hydrogen valley mechanism;
  • Working with R&D on enabling technologies.
All this follows in the wake of a long-term strategy whose main objectives, which converge with energy security aims, include delivery of the so-called SoutH2 Corridor, one of the corridors identified by the European Union for importing green hydrogen. Snam is working on this in collaboration with other European TSOs, with the aim of transporting green hydrogen produced in the southern Mediterranean to Italy and Central Europe, potentially covering 40% of the import target set by the REPower EU Plan from 2030.

Energy efficiency


Through Renovit, an Italian platform set up by Snam and CDP Equity to promote energy efficiency in companies, condominiums, the tertiary sector and public administration, Snam is playing a leading role in the energy efficiency services sector. This follows its development of a solid base of energy performance contracts and energy upgrading projects for the various stakeholders mentioned. Specifically, in 2023 Renovit avoided around 57,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions and, with 300 million euros of investments to 2027, will further extend its portfolio of customers in the public and industrial sectors with the aim of exceeding 130,000 tonnes of avoided emissions over the plan’s timeframe. Furthermore, thanks to the investment plan mentioned above, Snam aims to reach a value of registered contracts by 2027 worth approximately 3 billion euros, of which more than 60% in the public sector and with long-term contracts.

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