
At the beginning of 2024, the Group updated its emission reduction targets to renew its commitment to decarbonisation with the aim of playing a leading role in the energy transition.

The Group has outlined a clear decarbonisation pathway for Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions from the activities of the regulated business, setting itself intermediate targets at 2027, 2030 and 2032 compared to 2022 levels, to achieve carbon neutrality at 2040 across the entire Snam group perimeter.

Moreover, from 2023, Snam has also strengthened its commitment to GHG Scope 3 emissions, setting a reduction target in absolute terms, with intermediate targets to 2030 and 2032 on the regulated perimeter.

Finally, with the new Strategic Plan, Snam has given itself a new, ambitious target: net zero emissions by 2050 for all direct and indirect emissions, to be understood as a 90% reduction in emissions and the remaining 10% through off-setting projects. Snam is also committed to reducing methane emissions from managed networks and plants: compared to 2015, it recorded a 57% reduction in 2023, a performance that saw the renewal of its Gold Standard from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). By 2027, the company intends to reduce emissions further – by at least 64%.

Our objectives

Objective completed
Objective in progress
Drag to reveal information
Reduction of total natural gas emissions (%)
-48.6 %
Target 2023
-56.67 %
Performance 2023
-57.5 %
Target 2024
-64.5 %
Target 2027
-70 %
Target 2030
-72 %
Target 2032
RES on total electricity consumption (%)
63 %
Performance 2023
52-55 %
Target 2024
100 %
Target 2027
Percentage of natural gas recovered from maintenance activities (%)
60 %
Performance 2023
>40 %
Of the average of the last five years until 2026
Scope 1 and 2 CO2 emission reductions vs. 2022 (%)
-10 %
Performance 2023
-25 %
Target 2027
-40 %
Target 2030
-50 %
Target 2032
Carbon Neutrality
Target 2040
Net Zero
Target 2050
CO2 emission reductions Scope 3 vs. 2022 (%)
-4 %
Performance 2023
-30 %
Target 2030
-35 %
Target 2032
Net Zero
Target 2050
Introd. ESG criteria in scoring models (% of contracts)
30 %
Target 2023
35 %
Performance 2023
35 %
Target 2024
65 %
Target 2027
Tot. procurem. spending on suppliers w/decarb. plan (%)
23 %
Performance 2023
25 %
Target 2024
35 %
Target 2027

Our objectives

Objective completed
Objective in progress
Drag to reveal information
Reduction of total natural gas emissions (%)
-48.6 %
Target 2023
-56.67 %
Performance 2023
-57.5 %
Target 2024
-64.5 %
Target 2027
-70 %
Target 2030
-72 %
Target 2032
RES on total electricity consumption (%)
63 %
Performance 2023
52-55 %
Target 2024
100 %
Target 2027
Percentage of natural gas recovered from maintenance activities (%)
60 %
Performance 2023
>40 %
Of the average of the last five years until 2026
Scope 1 and 2 CO2 emission reductions vs. 2022 (%)
-10 %
Performance 2023
-25 %
Target 2027
-40 %
Target 2030
-50 %
Target 2032
Carbon Neutrality
Target 2040
Net Zero
Target 2050
CO2 emission reductions Scope 3 vs. 2022 (%)
-4 %
Performance 2023
-30 %
Target 2030
-35 %
Target 2032
Net Zero
Target 2050
Introd. ESG criteria in scoring models (% of contracts)
30 %
Target 2023
35 %
Performance 2023
35 %
Target 2024
65 %
Target 2027
Tot. procurem. spending on suppliers w/decarb. plan (%)
23 %
Performance 2023
25 %
Target 2024
35 %
Target 2027

GHG emission reduction targets

Scope 1 e scope 2

In order to reduce GHG Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions, Snam will continue to invest in the installation of dual fuel compressor stations and intends to use all available levers to achieve the targets, including the use of renewable energy (electricity or biomethane). Efforts to reduce natural gas emissions will also help to achieve these objectives. In this area, Snam has performed positively against the targets laid out in 2021 and has set itself new and more challenging goals. Specifically, Snam intends to reduce natural gas emissions from 2015 levels by 64.5% by 2027, 70% by 2030 and 72% by 2032.

Scope 3

GHG Scope 3 emissions are mainly attributable to emissions from Snam's associates and its supply chain. The company applies 6 different levels of levers, focused on supply chain, associate and other GHG Scope 3 emissions, enabling it to accompany both companies that are at the beginning of the journey and those that are already active in integrating sustainability into their strategy.

2023 results achieved for Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 GHG emissions

Snam's Scope 1 and 2 emissions amounted to approximately 1,413,122 tonnes of CO2eq (-7% vs. 2022); these are in addition to Scope 3 emissions of 1,589,833 tonnes (+18% vs. 2022) including 777,513 tonnes related to the Supply Chain and 639,326 tonnes related to Associates: The Group's total Scope 1, market-based Scope 2 and Scope 3 GHG emissions are therefore 3,002,955 tonnes CO2eq (+5% compared to 2022).

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