
People - the protagonists of the Group’s technological innovation, involved in its objectives and accompanied by a state-of-the-art corporate welfare - are a critical success factor for Snam, testified by active policies aimed at fostering their personal growth and professional development.

Our objectives

Objective completed
Objective in progress
Drag to reveal information
Employees engagement index (%)
70-75 %
Target 2023
84 %
Performance 2023
>80 %
Target 2027
Women in executive and middle management roles (%)
25 %
Target 2023
25.9 %
Performance 2023
26 %
Target 2024
27.5 %
Target 2027
Women in the succession plan (1st and 2nd lines)
26 %
Target 2023
33 %
Performance 2023
27 %
Target 2026
IpFG (Combined Frequency and Severity Index)
Performance 2023
< min.3y
Target until 2027
Gender pay gap (%)
+/-5 %
Target 2027
Participation in welfare initiatives (%)
54 %
Target 2023
57.9 %
Performance 2023
75 %
Target 2024
80 %
Target 2027
Training hours delivered to employees (h/capital)
37 h
Performance 2023
36 h
Target 2024
40 h
Target 2027
Hours of training provided
320,000 h
Target 2023
418,528 h
Performance 2020-2023

Our objectives

Objective completed
Objective in progress
Drag to reveal information
Employees engagement index (%)
70-75 %
Target 2023
84 %
Performance 2023
>80 %
Target 2027
Women in executive and middle management roles (%)
25 %
Target 2023
25.9 %
Performance 2023
26 %
Target 2024
27.5 %
Target 2027
Women in the succession plan (1st and 2nd lines)
26 %
Target 2023
33 %
Performance 2023
27 %
Target 2026
IpFG (Combined Frequency and Severity Index)
Performance 2023
< min.3y
Target until 2027
Gender pay gap (%)
+/-5 %
Target 2027
Participation in welfare initiatives (%)
54 %
Target 2023
57.9 %
Performance 2023
75 %
Target 2024
80 %
Target 2027
Training hours delivered to employees (h/capital)
37 h
Performance 2023
36 h
Target 2024
40 h
Target 2027
Hours of training provided
320,000 h
Target 2023
418,528 h
Performance 2020-2023

Company welfare

Established in 2018, Snam's Welfare Plan has continued to evolve, year after year, guaranteeing adequate and satisfactory services to employees. Specifically, In 2023, Snam's welfare offer was extended with a new supplementary health insurance service for those who enrolled in the category contractual fund, a free-of-charge measure created with the aim of supporting all Group employees and their families in caring for their well-being and managing the related expenses.


Diversity and inclusion

In order to consolidate its position and strengthen its competitive advantage, Snam is leveraging the valuing of diversity, while also promoting innovation and personal development. This focus is reflected in the composition of the workforce: there were 670 females working at the company at the end of the year (18% of the entire company population), an increase over the previous year (+12%).

The continued growth in female staff is also due to Snam's support for promoting the STEM disciplines among young female students. In this context, the Company actively cooperates with schools and universities as valuable levers for spreading a culture of equal opportunities and combating the gender gap, especially in view of the small percentage of female students enrolled in these areas.

As proof of its commitment in this field, Snam’s Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) – voluntary membership communities dedicated to specific topics – include a STEM ERG, which proposes and implements initiatives to raise awareness and attract girls to STEM subjects through specific projects. The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Team also promotes and supports a culture of diversity and equal opportunities at Snam through a series of initiatives, including the #Snam4Diversity action plan, “Energia che include” (Inclusive Energy) and Inclusion Week – “Io ti vedo, io ti riconosco” (I see you, I acknowledge you) to explore and promote diversity and inclusion, seeking to embed these values within the corporate culture.

Moreover, in 2023, the Inclusion Manifesto was published, an evolution of the previous Inclusive Language Manifesto, which promotes a culture of language that respects all identities, conditions, affiliations, orientations and cultures, defining both the inclusive words and gestures supported and promoted by Snam.

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As a Supporting Member, Snam has been a member of Valore D since 2017, an association that promotes the international growth of the company through the presence of women and colleagues of different nationalities. In collaboration with Valore D, Snam employees were able to attend courses on valuing the diversity of gender, generations and cultures and developing an inclusive culture as a factor of innovation, competitiveness and growth for people and companies. 
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Training and skills development

To disseminate the knowledge gained internally, Snam uses:

Competence Centre

Composed of groups of people transversal to organisational structures, who have consolidated and recognised knowledge and experience in specific thematic areas relevant to the business, the Competence Centres oversee, develop and disseminate corporate know-how and are an internal point of reference for related knowledge.

Network and Plant Excellence Hub

Within the Network and Plant Management Departments, there are Excellence HUBs, which, depending on the needs of the business, identify the most appropriate training actions for the population of technicians and, in particular, provide for the design and realisation of programmes and teaching materials. The teaching is entirely entrusted to in-house personnel, which guarantees a high level of transmission of specialised technical know-how. 

Snam Institute

As innovation accelerator, Snam Institute disseminates Snam's technical know-how to make it available to everyone through training courses developed in three thematic areas: Technical, Leadership, Innovation & Transformation. In addition, the Snam Institute accompanies new recruits through the on-boarding programme. 

139,614 hours of training were delivered in 2023 (+15% compared to 2022), with a significant focus on health, safety and the environment, business ethics, anti-bribery and compliance. These training opportunities are not only required by law but are also aimed at spreading business culture and ethics and legality, thereby strengthening awareness of how dangerous non-compliance is. Moreover, in the light of the progressive and continuous integration of sustainability into the company's activities, ad hoc training initiatives on the subject were organised in 2023, with the aim of developing and disseminating an ever more deeply rooted culture of sustainability.

Health and safety

Snam has adopted a management system certified according to the UNI ISO 45001 standard Management Systems for Occupational Health and Safety and procedures and systems that aim to prevent accidents and illnesses in the workplace and promote the protection and health and safety of workers. The management system covers all the employees and contractors working at Snam's infrastructure. In fact, Snam also requires its suppliers to be ISO 45001 certified, as part of the approval process for suppliers of goods and services considered critical.

Snam adopts existing best practices and continues to direct its efforts towards reducing the Group's accident rates. This positioning was once again underlined in 2023, when the increase in the number of employee and contractor accidents (a total of 21 compared to 16 in 2022), was mostly attributable to the acquisition of new businesses that need time to adapt to Snam Group policies and which entail, more generally, a broadening of the perimeter to be monitored. However, in spite of this increase, it should be noted that the severity of accidents has decreased.