Awards and

Snam also renewed its commitment to ESG issues in 2023, confirming its position among the leading sustainability and ESG rating indices. This contributes to greater comparability with competitors and increases visibility to investors and the financial market. SRI (Sustainable and Responsible Investment) investors make up 47.3% of institutional investors and 20.8% of the total shareholder base.

Italy’s Best Employers

Since 2021, Snam has been one of the companies certified as Italy's Best Employers, the ranking created by Corriere della Sera in collaboration with Statista. In 2024, the Company ranked second in its sector.

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Italy’s Best Employers for Women 2022-2023

The German Institute for Quality and Finance, in collaboration with Ubermetrics Technologies and the Institute for Economic and Management Research, conducted Italy's Best Employers for Women 2023 for the third year in a row, in which Snam took second place among companies in the plant and energy systems sector. The study identifies the best employers for women in Italy, comparing over 2,000 companies using artificial intelligence software.

STEM Universum (Professional)

Every year, Universum awards a prize to all companies that rank as Most Attractive Employers, including those in the STEM field. As evidence of the company's growing commitment to fostering these disciplines, Snam won several awards in the 'Energy' sector during 2023,ranking:

  • third place in the Young STEM Professionals category;
  • second place in the Young Professionals and Business Students category;
  • fifth place in the STEM student category..

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Caring Company ®

Since 2022, Snam has been one of Lifeed's Caring Companies®, because it is able to recognise and embrace the fullness of life of its people, with an eye to innovation and the future, while also contributing to the growth and cultural change of the country. Snam is a Caring Company ® because it has forged a positive synergy between private and work life over the years. Thanks to the new agreement on remote working, it has promoted an evolving leadership model and invested in the continuous growth of its people.

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Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GEI) 2023

Snam, for the fourth consecutive year, is among the 418 companies globally included in Bloomberg's Gender-Equality Index (GEI) 2023, which is based on factors such as the enhancement of women's leadership, commitment to reducing the gender pay gap and fostering a culture of inclusion. The GEI tracks the financial performance of companies most committed to promoting gender equality around the world, through the development of appropriate policies and initiatives and the transparent disclosure of information.

Webranking Europe 500

Among the year's media awards and accolades, Snam was ranked second in the Webranking Europe 500 for corporate and financial digital communication compiled by Lundquist in cooperation with Comprend. The award recognises Snam's distinctive approach to digital communication, which excels in the About Us and reporting sections where it is a top performer. The level of transparency of its communication, which is also awarded for the Investor Relations and Sustainability sections, also makes it a leader within the energy sector in Europe.

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Innovative supply chain management: the 2023 awards

The Procurement Awards 2023

Snam won awards in the categories Innovation in Procurement, Inter-functional Team Purchasing and Best Negotiation Practices

Circular Procurement Awards 2023

Snam won an award in the Environmental Protection category by Business International, of the Fiera Milano Group, for its transport portal project, which promotes the dematerialisation of transport documents and the scheduling of discharges

Excellence Award 2023

The Group received the Gold Award in the Under 30 and Third Party Risk Management categories from Adaci, the Italian Association of Purchasing and Supply Management.

ESG Rating
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Snam has been confirmed for the third consecutive year on the A list of CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project), one of the most important international non-profit organisations on climate change. The company was confirmed at the top of the list, along with 346 companies out of 21,000 analysed, testifying to its strong commitment to climate change and energy transition issues.
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Snam has joined the CDP Supplier Engagement Rating (SER) for the sixth consecutive year, the CDP program aimed at involving its supply chain in the climate change questionnaire. Snam obtained a score of A, demonstrating its commitment to its suppliers' engagement activities on issues related to the reduction of emissions and the development of sustainable strategies.
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Snam was confirmed in 2023 at the “PRIME” level by ISS ESG, with a score of B.
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Snam was confirmed in the Sustainalytics ratings in February 2024, further improving its score and ranking first out of 96 companies in the sector: the risk rating dropped from 14.1 to 12.9.
Sustainability indices
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In November 2023, Snam's title was reconfirmed in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index, by S&P Global, the world's most important stock market index assessing corporate social responsibility. The result of 82 points places the company in third place within the Gas Industry sector.
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In 2023 Snam was confirmed in the FTSE4good, with a slightly declining performance (3.7 vs. 3.8 in 2022).
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In October 2023, Snam was confirmed as one of the leading companies by MSCI, achieving AA confirmation.
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Snam's title confirmed for the 12th consecutive year in the STOXX Global ESG Leaders Indices.
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Snam was also confirmed in 2023 in the Vigeo indices, a company part of Moody's ESG group, increasing its score to 68/100 points (up from 66 in 2021). The evaluation for inclusion in the indices takes place every two years.
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Snam is present for the fifth year running, in the United Nations Global Compact 100 index, which includes the 100 companies that have distinguished themselves at global level both for attention to sustainability issues and to financial performance, and that adhere to the ten fundamental principles of the United Nations on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption issues.
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Snam was confirmed in the FTSE MIB ESG index, the first ESG index dedicated to Italian blue-chip companies that rewards the most effective sustainability practices. The index, activated in collaboration with Vigeo Eiris, a Moody's ESG Solutions company, identified the top 40 Italian listed companies that have demonstrated perfect integration between economic performance and ESG criteria, in line with the principles of the United Nations Global Compact.
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Snam’s governance
and principles