In all its activities, in Italy and abroad, Snam pursues a sustainable and socially responsible growth model, aimed at creating value for the company and for the communities in which it operates.
Sustainability strategy
Sustainability is profoundly integrated into the new 2023-2027 Strategic Plan, in which it takes on the role of an enabling and wide-ranging strategic lever to guide the Group in its investment decisions, day-to-day activities, as well as in the development of corporate businesses, contributing to long-term value creation.
To this end, Snam has defined a sustainability framework which, integrated into the Group's strategy, reflects its goal of achieving a fair and balanced transition to a low-carbon economy, based on multi-molecule infrastructure, decarbonisation, biodiversity, innovation and digitalisation, while also considerate of Snam’s people and local communities.
The sustainability framework is divided into seven strategic pillars. For each pillar, the Group has defined a clear ambition with a 2030 outlook.
Sustainability Scorecard
Alongside the 2023-2027 Strategic Plan, Snam published its Sustainability Scorecard, which balances business objectives with sustainability targets. In addition to being a useful monitoring tool, the Scorecard is also aimed at improving transparency in communicating the Company's actions and commitment to stakeholders and the market and, more generally, to the public.